By Shayne Provendido

The name Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton are bywords of many people all through the walks of life. They are considered two of the greatest scientists of all time.

Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879- April 15, 1955) was a German physicist. His contributions to Physics started in 1905 that includes: the explanation of the Brownian motion in terms of Molecules, the explanation of photoelectric effect in terms of quantum in which he received a Nobel Prize and the Special Theory of Relativity that has become a major tool of Modern Physics. He also developed General Relativity Theory that was more accurate than of Newton's.
Albert Einstein's equation E=mc² (Energy = mass times the speed of light squared) paved the way for the creation of the first atomic bomb. Though he condemned the use of it, President Franklin D. Roosevelt approved the plan for an all out effort in atomic bomb.