Albert Einstein Vs Isaac Newton

By Shayne Provendido

The name Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton are bywords of many people all through the walks of life. They are considered two of the greatest scientists of all time.
Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879- April 15, 1955) was a German physicist. His contributions to Physics started in 1905 that includes: the explanation of the Brownian motion in terms of Molecules, the explanation of photoelectric effect in terms of quantum in which he received a Nobel Prize and the Special Theory of Relativity that has become a major tool of Modern Physics. He also developed General Relativity Theory that was more accurate than of Newton's.
Albert Einstein's equation E=mc² (Energy = mass times the speed of light squared) paved the way for the creation of the first atomic bomb. Though he condemned the use of it, President Franklin D. Roosevelt approved the plan for an all out effort in atomic bomb.
By the first week of August in 1945, the two bombs "The Little Boy" (Hiroshima Bomb) and "The Fat Man" (Nagasaki Bomb were already dropped, making a history. Einstein regretted what his invention has caused. He was considered one of the fathers of atomic bomb.
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was an English physicist, mathematician, alchemist and natural philosopher. He was considered to be the greatest genius the world has ever known. His works in optics, gravitation and motion, corpuscular theory of light represents the greatest achievement of the time.
In his written study entitled Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica that was published in 1687, he described the three laws of motion and the universal gravitation. The discovery of Johannes Kepler of the three fundamental laws of planetary motion, which described the Copernican Theory, was only understood when Isaac Newton discovered the Laws of Gravitation and motion. He also described the principles of conservation of momentum and angular momentum.
Newton invented the reflecting telescope and developed a theory of color based on his observation that a prism decomposes with light into a visible spectrum. He formulated a law of cooling and studied speed of sound. This great scientist also demonstrated the Generalized Binomial Theorem, which developed the "Newton Method". He also shared credits in the development of the calculus with Gottfried von Leibniz.
Sir Isaac Newton also devised a numerical equation to verify his ideas about gravity. He called it inverse square law of attraction, which states that the force of gravity is related to the inverse square of the distance between the two objects
The year 1666 was the peak of Newton's achievements. He has this crucial experiment that became his most famous experiment, the experimentum crucis. This demonstrated the theory of the composition of light. This explains that a selected color leaving the first prism could not be separated by the second prism. He then had a conclusion made that white light is a Heterogeneous mixture of differently refrangible rays and that colors of the spectrum cannot individually be modified by themselves, but are original and connate properties. Newton has failed in his dynamics experiments in three periods of time; first during plague in 1664-1666, the investigations of 1679-1680, and the period 1684-1687. His masterpieces were written in three different books. He also pursued some other researches in alchemy and science. However, his nonscientific writings were being neglect by some historians.
Before his death Newton had refused the sacrament. It was believed that the reason of this gesture was because he was a Unitarian.


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